Union Square - Surabaya

Union Square Mixed Use location in Darmo, South Surabaya, on a 5,2 Ha trapezoid site. The area accomodating 4 tower apartment, 2 tower hotels and 1 tower office above the retail podium.

Apartment placed in 'quite zone' on the South of the site, while another placed at the 'business are' in the North side.

Design integrates private spaces with urban spaces with creation of spaces give good space for the user.

Front side along the North side are of developed by pedestrian concept with arcade combination walk-way trap with open plaza accomodate outdoor street café & kiosk.

Podium retail height as 3 floors from West to the east combining 'indoor' mall and 'outdoor' mall with 'venesia 'theme.

Outdoor mall with open plaza and pedestrian designed to accomodate 24 hours life-style.




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